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Market Harborough CE Academy

Market HarboroughC of E Academy

Inspection Reports and Performance Tables


Ofsted inspects schools to provide an independent assessment of the quality and standards of education in schools and check whether pupils are achieving as much as they can. Inspectors make graded judgements on the following areas using a four-point scale:

  • Effectiveness of leadership and management 
  • Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
  • Personal development, behaviour and welfare
  • Outcomes for pupils

Market Harborough C of E Academy was last inspected in July 2019 and was rated as Good.


Visit our Ofsted page by clicking HERE



In addition, all Church of England schools undergo a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). The purpose of SIAMS is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of a school as a church school. The key question posed by SIAMS is how effective is the school's distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling all pupils and adults to flourish?

In order to evaluate this, all schools are inspected on the following seven strands, which are closely linked to the Church of England Vision for Education Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good (Autumn 2016):

  • Vision and Leadership
  • Wisdom, knowledge and skills
  • Character development: hope, aspiration and courageous advocacy
  • Community and living well together
  • Dignity and respect
  • The impact of collective worship
  • The effectiveness of religious education.

Market Harborough C of E Academy was last inspected in June 2017 and was rated as Good.

View our latest SIAMS report

School Performance Tables

School performance tables enable parents and carers to compare the performance of schools in their local area. To view our school's data please follow the link below:

School Performance Tables