Our schools PTFA is made up from a fantastic group of parents, carers, school staff, friends and other family members who constantly come up with new, fun and exciting ways to help raise additional money for our school.
In the past the PTFA has run the Summer Fayre, the Christmas Fayre, School Discos, Cinema Clubs, Easter Egg Hunts, Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day Present Sales, Cake Bakes, Coffee Mornings, Marathon Challenges and so much more.
The PTFA do amazing work for, and with, the school but they are always looking for more help. We wanted to create this page so you can all read about the PTFA and find out how you can become a part of it. The PTFA are always looking for new members, new ideas and new suppliers so if you are interested in becoming a part of this amazing organisation, then read on and find out more.
Would you like to join in and become a part of this fantastic group? You would? That’s great!
Here is how you can join….
1. Message the PTFA through their own page on Facebook: MHCE PTFA Facebook Page
2. Email the PTFA on: ptfa@mha.learnat.uk
3. Speak to any current PTFA members in or around school. They are all friendly and would love to chat to you.
Every month the PTFA members have a meeting where they can chat about past events and plan the new ones. It’s a very informal affair, normally held in town, in a pub, with a drink or two. It’s a great time for everyone to get together and chat about ideas for the future.
The PTFA has a few ‘core’ events which are so popular they are run each year, but they are always looking for new, exciting projects to work on and make a reality. Keeping it fresh keeps it exciting for everyone.